Pérez Moro David


Koine and Attic Medieval Greek in Comparison

After studying Classical Studies at the University of Valladolid (2011–2015), I received a master’s degree in didactics of Ancient Greek and Latin (2015/16), another in Classics (2016/17), and my PhD in Classical Antiquity Texts and their Survival (Byzantine Studies) (2017–2023) at the same University. My research focuses on Medieval Greek linguistics, specifically on the levels

of languages in this period. In MELA I will study Manuel Moschopoulos’ works, such as his Schedography and his Scholia and Paraphrasis on Homer’s Iliad, in order to understand how he taught Ancient Greek and determine the rules of the high–register Greek learned at medieval schools. In addition, I will assist teaching the language of Epic and its reception in Byzantium in “Ancient Greek Linguistics I”.

Joining MELA and at Ghent University, I will study the lexical processes of substitution from the Homeric to the Byzantine word and the classification of these terms according to the different levels of language. This study will contribute to building MELA´s Digital Grammar.