MELAGRA: Grammatica – Grammatical themes analyzed by MELA
MELAMA: Manuscripts – Miscellaneous Manuscripts containing grammatical material
MELAPER: Personae – Description of Prosopographical Material
MELAPHO: Photographs – MELA’s archive of photographs mapping each manuscript mentioned in our database
MELARE: Registers – Byzantine textbooks for the teaching of grammar often describe a phenomenon (lemma, syntactic construction, grammatical theme) by presenting its behavior in different registers of the Greek of the time. This precious set of examples (contrasting e.g. Koinè, Demotic, High-register, Poetic Greek), if correctly recorded, enables us to create a contrastive dictionary of the registers of the Greek of the time
MELATETRA: MELA’s source texts translated
MELAVO: Vocabulary of grammatical terms – MELAVO records words object of grammatical attention, Byzantine grammatical jargon, words mentioned in grammatical examples lemmatized and described